Association of Black Employees
Membership in the Association of Black Employees is open to all ISU employees interested in advancing the status of Black employees at Illinois State University and helping the organization achieve its goals.
General Assembly Meetings
ABE members and friends are invited to join us for our general assembly meetings every third Thursday. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and network with other African American faculty and staff. To be added to the mailing list, be sure to complete the ABE membership interest form to be kept up-to-date on the progress of the Association and to learn about future meetings.
Share with ABE
We want to hear from you, and we're here to support you. If you need support addressing a personal or campus concern, contact us. This confidential process will allow any concerned member to share with ABE, and if requested, we'll bring your topic to an upcoming general assembly meeting for discussion. You may choose to remain anonymous throughout this process.
In previous years, ABE has sponsored the Wilbert D. Davis Jr. Book Scholarship for African American undergraduate students. As ABE leadership revives the organization, we are currently reviewing the student scholarship opportunity and plan to provide additional information soon.
News and Announcements
ABE Membership and General Meetings
General meetings, open to all Illinois State University faculty and staff, are every third Thursday this semester. If you're interested in being kept up-to-date on the progress of the Association and in the know about future meetings, complete the ABE interest form, and we'll add you to the ABE Listserv.
Follow Us on Facebook
You can keep up with ABE news, updates and more at Facebook.com/ISUABAE.